Canons of Honor

While the Resol’nare describes the everyday lifestyle of true Mando’ade, the Canons of Honor describe how a Mandalorian should conduct themselves in battle and forms the foundation of Mandalorian Law.

Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule.

Those who would turn their Strength against their Brothers are Soulless. Robbery, Battery, Vandalism, Extortion and Abuse are punishable crimes against Strength.
Shuk’la Kot:

Robbery: taking anything of value by means of force or fear, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property.
Battery: the use of force against another, resulting in harmful contact.
Vandalism: deliberate destruction or damage to public or private property.
Extortion: gaining anything of value by any kind of force or threat.
Abuse: conduct which annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms or puts another person in fear.

Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.

Those who cast their Dignity aside are Soulless. Theft, Trespassing, Fraud, Conversion and Perjury are punishable crimes against Honor.
Shuk’la Ijaat:
Theft: taking anything of value, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property.
Trespassing: knowingly entering another person’s property without consent.
Fraud: the intentional use of deception, tricks or dishonest means to deprive another of their property or rights.
Conversion: depriving a property owner of anything of value without the owner’s consent.
Perjury: intentional assertion of false statements.

Loyalty is life, for without one’s clan/family one has no purpose.

Those who cast their Brothers aside are Soulless. Treason, Conspiracy, Embezzlement, Bribery, Disobedience and Desertion are punishable crimes against Loyalty, as is failure to honor the Resol’nare.
Shuk’la Verburyc:
Treason: betrayal, treachery, or breach of allegiance with Mandalore.
Conspiracy: an agreement between two or more people to commit a criminal act.
Embezzlement: fraudulent taking of anything of value by someone to whom it was entrusted.
Bribery: the offering or acceptance of anything of value in exchange for influence on a government or public official.
Disobedience: failure or refusal to comply with lawful orders.
Desertion: the abandonment of a duty or post without consent.

Death is life, one should die as they have lived.

Those who deny their Foes a Beautiful Death are Soulless. Murder, Kidnapping and Cowardice are punishable crimes against Death.
Shuk’la Kyr’am:
Murder: the unlawful killing of another person.
Kidnapping: confining or transporting another person against their will.
Cowardice: fleeing in the face of the enemy or surrendering against orders.


Any Mandalorian who does not adhere to these actions may be punished by loss of command or sentenced to pay tribute to its clan and Mandalore. Final punishment includes considered as dar’manda, or ignorant of their heritage. As such, they are anathema to other Mandalorians and do not deserve to be called Mando’ade and expelled.

When a Mandalorian is accused of breaking the Mandalorian laws and its code of honor he or she will have to stand trial for the accused charges. The court procedure is as follow.

  • All charges are presented.
  • Accused announces guilty/not guilty. If announcing guilty the judges will immediately decide any punishment. Max 1 week after charges been presented.
  • If claiming not guilty the accused gets a change to argue for his or her case and present any evidence supporting the claims. If any evidence are discovered as false or manipulated the verdict will per default immediately be guilty. Timeframe: Max 1 week.
  • Judges discuss amongst themselves which verdict and if applicable punishment shall be issued. Timeframe: Max 1 week.
  • Trial procedure(all posts/reasoning) will be made officially unless classified by the Mand´alor.

For crimes considered as minor or medium the board of judges (3 in total, all Mandalorian members) will be appointed by the Mandalorian council. If the crimes are considered as major the three judges will be members of the Mandalorian council.

The Mand’alor, or Warrior Eminence in basic, has the right to make exceptions and changes to the above listed laws and regulations without any prior notification. Per Mandalorian Constitution the Warrior Eminence and the Triad has the ultimate right to order the arrest and/or execution of non-mandalorians without a formal trial.